Project title: Measuring Indicators of Success for Promotion of Economic Perspectives (PEP) Turkey

11, 2019 – present       Ankara, TURKEY      The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit  Andrea Demuth ( Data Analyst/Project Advisor   The EU funded project “Measuring Indicators of Success for Promotion of Economic Perspectives (PEP) Turkey”. Statistician. Designs a monitoring and evaluation methodology in compliance with OECD DAC criteria. Main tasks are Preparation of electronic tools for data collection, selection of sampling, monitoring data collection, data cleaning and processing activities, contributing to the report preparation processes.

Project title: Retrospective estimates of international trade in services statistics of Turkey

2, 2020 – 4, 2020       Ankara, TURKEY      Turkish Statistical Institute    Project Advisor  Making retrospective estimates of international trade in services statistics of Turkey. Using the monthly import and export series from 2009 and 2013, The backcasted values till the end of 1998 was estimated.

Project title: Dynamic Junction Management Systems Development of Pedestrian, Bicycle and Public Transport Priority Systems and NTCIP Compliant Multi Sensor Card Design:

4, 2020 – 6, 2021       Ankara, TURKEY      ISSD  Project Advisor           Detection of accidents by using deep learning anomaly detection methods, root identification of vehicles from the Fish-eye camera, queue estimation from the high frequency using the flowing traffic data.

Project title: Monitoring of Conditional Cash Transfer for Education (CCTE) for Refugees

12, 2017 – 12, 2019 Ankara, TURKEY      UNICEF/ TANDANS DSC  Rizwanullah Khan (           Statistical Analyst       UNICEF Project “Monitoring of Conditional Cash Transfer for Education (CCTE) for Refugees”. The purpose of the assignment is to complement the ongoing monitoring of progress and performance of CCTE by developing and implementing additional monitoring tools to be focused on specific elements of the CCTE for refugees. There are 3 quantitative (questionnaires include labour market indicators) and 2 qualitative data collection waves within the Project. Besides liaison with UNICEF and other line ministries of Turkish Government, Team Leader is responsible for design, management, and statistical analysis of collected data and preparation of monitoring reports of all activities implemented during the project period.

Project title: Zaman Serileri için Model Seçme ve Tahmin Etme Kriterinin Oluşturulması: Yeni Bir Algoritma

PI: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ceylan Yozgatlıgil

Supported by: BAP, METU

Role & time spent: Principal Investigator, 1.1.2017 -31.12.2017
Project No: BAP-01-09-2017-001

Project Budget:4,000TL


Project title: Copula Yöntemi ile Karşılaştırmalı Kuraklık Analizi ve Kuraklık Tahminleri: Konya İli Örneği          

PI: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ceylan Yozgatlıgil

Supported by: BAP, METU

Role & time spent: Principal Investigator, 1.1.2017 -31.12.2017
Project No: BAP-08-11-2017-025

Project Budget:9,000TL


Project title: Zamana Bağlı Değişen Emtia Fiyat İndeksi/İndeksleri Oluşturulması

PI: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ceylan Yozgatlıgil

Supported by: BAP, METU

Role & time spent: Principal Investigator, 1.1.2016 -31.12.2017
Project No: BAP-01-09-2016-003

Project Budget:4,000TL


Project title: Tarımsal Ürün ve Aktüeryal Karşılıklarının Vine Copulalar aracılığı ile Modellemesi

PI: Assoc. Prof. Dr. A. Sevtap Kestel

Supported by: BAP, METU

Role & time spent: Co-investigator, 1.1.2016 -31.12.2016
Project No: BAP-07-05-2016-001

Project Budget:5,375TL


Project title: Meteorolojik Verilerin Hesaplamalı İstatistiksel Yöntemlerle Türdeşlik Analizi

PI: Prof. Dr. İnci Batmaz

Supported by: BAP, METU

Role & time spent: Co-investigator, 1.1.2015 -31.12.2015
Project No: BAP-03-07-2012-001

Project Budget:6,500TL


Project title: Saklı Markov Modeli ile Yağış Modellerinin Oluşturulması: Türkiye Üzerine Bir Çalışma

PI: Prof. Dr. İnci Batmaz

Supported by: BAP, METU

Role & time spent: Investigator, 1.1.2014 -31.12.2015
Project No: BAP-01-09-2014-001

Project Budget:9,000TL


 Project title: Dayanıklı Tüketim Malları İçin Müşteri Bağlılığının Modellenmesi

PI: Prof. Dr. Gülser KÖKSAL (METU, Dept. of Industrial Engineering)
Supported by: BAP, METU

Role & time spent: Co-investigator, 1.1.2012 -31.12.2012
Project No: BAP-03-07-2012-001

Project Budget:3,000TL


Project title: Türkiye’de Bireylerin Doğal Afet Sigortası ve Genel Sigorta Talebi ve Satın Alma Eğilimini Etkileyen Faktörler

PI: Dr. B. Burçak Başbuğ Erkan (METU, Dept. of Statistics)

Supported by: BAP, METU

Role & time spent: Co-investigator, 2010 -2011

Project No.: BAP-08-11-2010-R-03

Project Budget: 15,000TL


Project title: Enhancing the Capacity of Turkey to Adapt to Climate Change ( )

PI: Prof. Dr. Kasirga Yildirak (Hacettepe University)
Supported by: FAO – MDG Achievement Fund

Role & time spent: Co-investigator, 6 months in 2012.
Project No: MDGF-1680-E-TUR Env Climate

Project Budget: 7,001,323


Project title: Veri Madenciliği Yöntemleri ile Türkiye İklim Bölgelerinin Yeniden Belirlenmesi ve Yağış Tahmin Modellerinin Geliştirilmesi

PI: Assoc. Doç. Dr. İnci Batmaz (METU, Dept. of Statistics)
Supported by: BAP, METU

Role & time spent: Co-investigator, 2008 -2011
Project No: BAP-2008-010-09-02

Project Budget:22,000TL


Project title: Zamansal Toplulaşma Uygulanacak Serilerde Optimum Toplulaştırma Periodunun Bulunması

PI: Dr. Ceylan Yozgatlıgil

Supported by: BAP, METU
Role & time spent: Principal investigator, 1.1.2009-1.9.2015

Project No: BAP-01-09-2009-101

  Project Budget:10,000TL


Project title: Türkiye’de Bireylerin Doğal Afet Sigortası ve Genel Sigorta Talebi ve Satın Alma Eğilimini Etkileyen Faktörler

            PI: Dr. B. Burçak Başbuğ Erkan (METU, Dept. of Statistics)

Supported by: BAP, METU

Role & time spent: Co-investigator, 1.1.2010 -1.7.2011

Project No.: BAP-08-11-2010-R-03

Project Budget: 15,000TL