Öğrenci Adı | Tez Bitirme Tarihi | Tez Başlığı | Tez Yöneticisi | |
Yardımcı Tez Yöneticisi | ||||
1 | Jamal Lababidi | Kasım 1988 | Concrete construction under different climatic conditions and factors affecting the cost estimate | Talat Birgönül |
2 | Ramazan Çuhadar | Şubat 1989 | A survey on the construction equipment supply and importation of Turkish overseas contractors upon completion of their contracts | Talat Birgönül |
3 | Vuslat Özkaramete | Şubat 1989 | Probabilistic quantity estimation of basic construction items by linear regression method | Talat Birgönül |
4 | Bassem Jarkas | Haziran 1989 | A computer program related to some standard earthwork equipments | Talat Birgönül |
5 | Hakan Çaka | Haziran 1989 | Linear construction planning technique | Talat Birgönül |
6 | Tuncer Şahin | Şubat 1991 | Thermal insulation and energy conservation measures for low-cost housing | Asım Yeğinobalı |
Talat Birgönül | ||||
7 | Ahmet Korkmaz | Haziran 1991 | A methodology for the evaluation of proposals tendered on the basis of Built-Operate-Transfer model | Talat Birgönül |
8 | Erta Taşkınsoy | Aralık 1991 | The integration of CPM and material management in project management | Talat Birgönül |
Canan Sepil | ||||
9 | Abdulrezak Nurhussein Mohamed | Ocak 1992 | Effect of inflation and payment delay on profit margin under unit price contract and the compensation methods | Talat Birgönül |
10 | Ayşe Sibel Yanıkömeroğlu | Ocak 1992 | An elastic timing method proposed for construction schedules | Talat Birgönül |
11 | Şeref Topkaya | Şubat 1992 | An expert system approach to concrete supervising and pre-cast connections | Talat Birgönül |
Yasemin Özdoğan | ||||
12 | Can Erdoğan | Eylül 1992 | Measures for improving quality and maintaining economy in low-cost housing projects | Talat Birgönül |
13 | Abdalla Ömer Mahmud | Eylül 1993 | Critical review of quality and time control aspects in some major Libyan construction projects | Asım Yeğinobalı |
Talat Birgönül | ||||
14 | Arzu Barçın Yılmaz | Eylül 1993 | A case study on the interaction between time and cost constituents of a mass housing construction project | Talat Birgönül |
Erkan Şahmalı | ||||
15 | Mustafa Tunç Erk | Ocak 1995 | The French model of water distribution, sewage collection and treatment administration under private company management | Talat Birgönül |
16 | Irmak Renda | Haziran 1995 | Turkish contracting sector: An organisational survey of Turkish contracting companies | Talat Birgönül |
17 | Aylin Aslan | Eylül 1995 | An evaluation of value management practice in Turkish construction sector | Metin Arıkan |
Talat Birgönül | ||||
18 | Birol Akpınar | Eylül 1995 | An expert system approach based on Şanlıurfa irrigation tunnel construction experiences | Talat Birgönül |
19 | İrfan Çetin | Ocak 1996 | Current construction quality control systems used in Turkey and suggestions for further improvements | Talat Birgönül |
Nadi Bakır | ||||
20 | Deniz Elmas | Eylül 1996 | Risk analysis of construction projects based on unit prices under inflationary conditions | Talat Birgönül |
Asım Yeğinobalı | ||||
21 | Mehmetcan Topuz | Ocak 1996 | Time, cost and quality management of mass housing projects | Talat Birgönül |
22 | Murat Şefik Yazan | Ocak 1996 | Management of political risks in public non-building construction projects | Talat Birgönül |
23 | Mustafa Kaan | Ocak 1996 | Economic analysis of multi-stage housing production model | Talat Birgönül |
24 | Ö. Mutlu Sinman | Ocak 1996 | An overview of the CIS construction market and guidelines for foreign construction companies | Talat Birgönül |
25 | İrem (Dikmen) Özdoğan | Aralık 1996 | Risk management of BOT projects in developing countries | Talat Birgönül |
26 | Ertan Kökçüoğlu | Aralık 1997 | Quality management in construction | Metin Arıkan |
Talat Birgönül | ||||
27 | Mehmet Ali Ersarı | Ocak 1998 | Risk analysis and cost simulation of coastal projects | Ayşen Ergin |
Talat Birgönül | ||||
28 | Ayşegül Petek Yener | Ocak 1998 | Risk perception and trends of Turkish construction companies | Talat Birgönül |
29 | Atilla Yurdakul | Mart 1998 | CPM (Critical Path Method) applications and problems faced in Turkish construction sector | Engin Keyder |
Talat Birgönül | ||||
30 | Ebru Gökçek | Mart 1998 | Evaluation of the subcontracting system in Turkey | Metin Arıkan |
Talat Birgönül | ||||
31 | Abdulkadir Çevik | Nisan 1998 | Subcontracting relationship between subcontractors and contractors in Turkish construction sector | Metin Arıkan |
Talat Birgönül | ||||
32 | Dilruba Özmen | Kasım 1998 | Development of a quality assurance system for highways in Turkey | Ayhan İnal |
Talat Birgönül | ||||
33 | Çağlar Sürücü | Aralık 1998 | Investigation of State Procurement Law and amendments necessary to make it consistent with the World Bank practices | Talat Birgönül |
34 | Mete Metin | Aralık 1998 | Performance of Turkish contractors working abroad | Talat Birgönül |
35 | Derya Türk Türkan | Nisan 1999 | ISO 9000 Standards in the Turkish construction industry | Talat Birgönül |
36 | Sinan Öztabak | Şubat 2000 | Critical review of construction machinery costs within the context of General Price Analysis | Talat Birgönül |
37 | Levent Çağrı Ogan | Mayıs 2000 | Effects of economic recession periods on Turkish construction companies | Talat Birgönül |
38 | Sibel Önen | Mayıs 2000 | Problems faced by foreign contractors working in Turkey | Talat Birgönül |
39 | Nilhan Özkan (Erdal) | Mayıs 2000 | Refinement of Benefit Cost analysis results for highway projects | Talat Birgönül |
40 | Gökhan Pişkin | Mayıs 2000 | A comparative study on the reliability-based risk assessment in project management of coastal structures | Ayşen Ergin |
Talat Birgönül | ||||
41 | Burak Güvenç | Ağustos 2000 | A generic algorithm for multi-mode resource constrained project scheduling | Talat Birgönül |
42 | Göksu Günay | Mayıs 2001 | Dispute creation and resolution mechanisms of Turkish construction sector in public projects | Talat Birgönül |
43 | Savaş Deren | Ağustos 2001 | Value management approach for the selection of construction materials for the buildings owned by Air Force Command | Talat Birgönül |
44 | Semiha Kızıltaş | Kasım 2002 | Organizational effectiveness in Turkish construction companies: An Artificial Neural Network based prediction model | Talat Birgönül |
İrem Dikmen | ||||
45 | İsmail Özcenk | Aralık 2002 | Marketing in the Turkish construction industry | İrem Dikmen |
Talat Birgönül | ||||
46 | Sami Umut Artuk | Aralık 2002 | An innovation management model for construction companies: Case studies from the Turkish construction industry | Talat Birgönül |
İrem Dikmen | ||||
47 | Tunca Ataoğlu | Aralık 2002 | An organizational learning framework as a driver of organizational performance of Turkish construction companies | İrem Dikmen |
Talat Birgönül | ||||
48 | Ebru Çanga | Aralık 2002 | Impact of construction management graduate education on professional life | Talat Birgönül |
49 | Beliz Özorhon | Nisan 2004 | Organizational memory in construction companies: A Case-Based Reasoning model as an organizational learning tool | İrem Dikmen |
Talat Birgönül | ||||
50 | Tuncay Demirel | Nisan 2005 | An expert system for the quantification of fault rates in construction fall accidents | Talat Birgönül |
İrem Dikmen | ||||
51 | A. Arif Ergin | Temmuz 2005 | Determination of contingency for international construction projects during bidding stage | Rıfat Sönmez |
Talat Birgönül | ||||
52 | Ergun Usta | Ağustos 2005 | Comparison of international federation of consulting engineers and general specification for public works contracts from risk management perspective | Talat Birgönül |
İrem Dikmen | ||||
53 | Ali Özge Ilgar | Ekim 2005 | Quantification of acceleration claims: a simplified approach | Talat Birgönül |
İrem Dikmen | ||||
54 | Arif Erdem Arıkan | Kasım 2005 | Development of a risk management decision support system for international construction projects | İrem Dikmen |
Talat Birgönül | ||||
55 | Ahmet Kemal Gür | Aralık 2005 | Case based decision support system for bid markup estimation of international construction projects at the tender stage | İrem Dikmen |
Talat Birgönül | ||||
56 | Aslı Akçamete | Aralık 2006 | Country risk assessment in the construction industry | Talat Birgönül |
İrem Dikmen | ||||
57 | Caner Anaç | Şubat 2007 | Development of a risk assessment tool for post-project appraisal | Talat Birgönül |
İrem Dikmen | ||||
58 | Amani Suliman Bu-Qammaz | Haziran 2007 | Risk assessment of international construction projects using the analytic network process | Talat Birgönül |
İrem Dikmen | ||||
59 | Güzide Atasoy | Temmuz 2007 | Using cognitive maps for modeling project success | İrem Dikmen |
Talat Birgönül | ||||
60 | Nurdan Eğilmezer Şapçı | Temmuz 2007 | Organizational decline and bankruptcy prediction model for the Turkish construction companies | Talat Birgönül |
İrem Dikmen | ||||
61 | Köksal Eren | Eylül 2007 | Critical success factors for partnering in the Turkish construction industry | İrem Dikmen |
Talat Birgönül | ||||
62 | Gülbin Özcan | Temmuz 2008 | A generic risk and vulnerability assessment framework for international construction projects | İrem Dikmen |
Talat Birgönül | ||||
63 | Gülşah Fidan | Ağustos 2008 | A risk and vulnerability ontology for construction projects | Talat Birgönül |
İrem Dikmen | ||||
64 | Tanyeli Güneş | Aralık 2008 | Developing a strategic information system for construction companies | İrem Dikmen |
Talat Birgönül | ||||
65 | Muhammet Alper Yiğit | Şubat 2009 | Contract management behavior of Turkish construction companies in international projects | İrem Dikmen |
Talat Birgönül | ||||
66 | Ahmet Hamdi Özer | Temmuz 2009 | Development of an activity based assessment tool using integrated duration- cost influence network | İrem Dikmen |
Talat Birgönül | ||||
67 | Eren Cangul | Şubat 2010 | Development of an expert system for the quantification of fault rates in traffic accidents | Talat Birgönül |
S. Osman Acar | ||||
68 | Özlem Yavuzyılmaz | Mayıs 2010 | Institutionalization of construction firms: Turkish contractors’ case | Talat Birgönül |
İrem Dikmen | ||||
69 | Kıvanç Karakaş | Mayıs 2010 | Development of a multi agent system for negotiation of cost overrun in international construction projects | İrem Dikmen |
Talat Birgönül | ||||
70 | Onur Çelenligil | Temmuz 2010 | Analogical reasoning for risk assessment and cost overrun estimation in construction projects | İrem Dikmen |
Talat Birgönül | ||||
71 | Matineh Eybpoosh | Ağustos 2010 | Identification of risk paths in international construction projects | İrem Dikmen |
Talat Birgönül | ||||
72 | Aydın Sakın | Şubat 2011 | The route map of Turkish international contracting services- lessons learnt and recommendations for the future | Talat Birgönül |
İrem Dikmen | ||||
73 | Nuray Gökdemir | Mayıs 2011 | Identification and representation of information items required for vulnerability assessment and multi-hazard emergency response operations | Talat Birgönül |
74 | Mohammad Kashef | Ağustos 2011 | Critical Success Factors for Build Operate Transfer (BOT) projects: Lessons learned from airport projects | İrem Dikmen |
Talat Birgönül | ||||
75 | Maryam Daneshvar | Ekim 2011 | Analysis of organisational routines to understand change in construction: The case of Turkish construction industry | İrem Dikmen |
Talat Birgönül | ||||
76 | Noyan Ercan | Aralık 2011 | A decision support tool for feasibility assessment of hydro electrical power plant projects | Talat Birgönül |
İrem Dikmen | ||||
77 | Gözde Bilgin | Aralık 2011 | An ontology-based approach for delay analysis | Talat Birgönül |
İrem Dikmen | ||||
78 | Cumhur Ceyhan | Şubat 2012 | Occupational health and safety, hazard identification, risk assessment, determining controls: Case study on cut and cover underground stations and tunnel construction | Talat Birgönül |
79 | Fatma Pelin Aktuğ | Mart 2012 | Comparison of FIDIC conditions of contract (1999) and UNCITRAL legal guide from prospective disputes and claims perspective | Talat Birgönül |
İrem Dikmen | ||||
80 | Murat Ayhan | Temmuz 2012 | A model-based guidance and vulnerability assessment approach for facilities under the threat of multi-hazard emergencies | Talat Birgönül |
81 | Aydın Ghaziani | Ağustos 2012 | A fuzzy delay assessment tool for construction projects | İrem Dikmen |
Talat Birgönül | ||||
82 | Şinasi Bektaş | Ağustos 2012 | Shortcomings of delay analysis practices: A case study using an integrated approach | Talat Birgönül |
83 | Babak Rahmani Mirshekarlou | Eylül 2012 | A taxonomy for causes of changes in construction | İrem Dikmen |
Talat Birgönül | ||||
84 | Amin Haghgooie | Aralık 2012 | Developing a knowledge taxonomy for business development in construction companies: A case of Turkish construction industry | İrem Dikmen |
Talat Birgönül | ||||
85 | Açelya Ecem Yıldız | Aralık 2012 | Development of a knowledge based risk mapping tool for international construction projects | İrem Dikmen |
Talat Birgönül | ||||
86 | Bartuğ Kemal Akgül | Haziran 2014 | Social network analysis of construction companies operating in international markets: The case of Turkish contractors | İrem Dikmen |
Talat Birgönül | ||||
87 | Şemsettin Balta | Haziran 2014 | Buffer sizing model with fuzzy assessment on concrete gravity dam and HEPP projects | Talat Birgönül |
İrem Dikmen | ||||
88 | Hacı Hüseyin Erol | Haziran 2014 | Identifying the effects of lean construction principles on variability of project duration | İrem Dikmen |
Talat Birgönül | ||||
89 | Ehsanullah Hayat | Haziran 2014 | Factors affecting the risk ratings assigned by decision-makers under uncertain situations: The case of international construction | İrem Dikmen |
Talat Birgönül | ||||
90 | Selman Yalçın | Eylül 2014 | Cost comparison of falling from fragile roof type accidents in terms of occupational health and safety | Talat Birgönül |
Gülru Yıldız | ||||
91 | Ovic M’bi Mabiala | Ocak 2015 | Turkish contractors in the project finance of power projects in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) | İrem Dikmen |
Talat Birgönül | ||||
92 | Osman Can Ürel | Şubat 2015 | The evaluation of construction projects realized with Public Private Partnership model in Turkey | Talat Birgönül |
İrem Dikmen | ||||
93 | Sahra Mohammadi | Eylül 2015 | The future of green building contracts in Turkey | Talat Birgönül |
İrem Dikmen | ||||
94 | Özgür Sönmez | Mayıs 2016 | Glocalization in international construction projects | Talat Birgönül |
95 | Muhammed Ercan | Şubat 2017 | A study on the price escalation system in public construction contracts in Turkey | İrem Dikmen |
Talat Birgönül | ||||
96 | Görkem Eken | Eylül 2017 | Development of a lessons learned management process model and a web-based tool for construction companies | Talat Birgönül |
İrem Dikmen | ||||
97 | Beste Özyurt | Ocak 2018 | Similarity assessment of countries to facilitate learning from international construction projects | Talat Birgönül |
İrem Dikmen | ||||
98 | Gianni Berk Kubin | Nisan 2018 | Institutionalization process in a family firm: A case study | Talat Birgönül |
İrem Dikmen | ||||
99 | Muhammed Boztemur | Eylül 2018 | Exploration of Black Swans and their impacts on construction companies: The case of Arab Spring | Talat Birgönül |
İrem Dikmen | ||||
100 | Çağatay Arslan | Ocak 2019 | Risk identification and assessment for PPP Integrated Health Campus Projects in Turkey. A case study: Kayseri Integrated Health Campus | Talat Birgönül |
Onur B. Tokdemir | ||||
101 | Pınar Bilgin | Temmuz 2019 | Project-based innovation performance assessment in the housing sector: A case study using innovation radar | İrem Dikmen |
Talat Birgönül | ||||
102 | Cansu Coşkun | Eylül 2019 | Development of a risk assessment method for sustainable construction of megaprojects | Talat Birgönül |
İrem Dikmen | ||||
103 | Shima Ebrahimi | Eylül 2019 | Awareness of the Turkish construction industry towards industry 4.0 technologies and concepts | İrem Dikmen |
Talat Birgönül | ||||
104 | Cenk Tanrıverdi | Kasım 2019 | A casual mapping approach for the analysis of construction disputes | İrem Dikmen |
Talat Birgönül | ||||
105 | Aycan Dumlu | Eylül 2020 | AFMEA-Based methodology for delay analysis of construction projects | İrem Dikmen |
Talat Birgönül | ||||
106 | Gizem Bilgin | Nisan 2021 | An exploratory study on complexity in mega construction projects | İrem Dikmen |
Talat Birgönül | ||||
107 |
Elif Karakoçak | Haziran 2021 | A tool for visualization of risk information: The Risk Box | Talat Birgönül |
İrem Dikmen | ||||
108 |
Fatih Kaya | Eylül 2021 | Investigation of legal issues and contractual considerations associated with BIM use in construction projects | Aslı Akçamete Güngör |
Talat Birgönül | ||||
109 |
Anıl Yılmaz | Kasım 2021 | Development of an activity-based lessons learned process model and a tool to support scheduling decisions in construction firms | İrem Dikmen |
Talat Birgönül | ||||
110 |
Kıvanç Umut Ejder | Şubat 2022 | An exploratory study on causes and impacts of variation orders in Public- Private Partnership projects | İrem Dikmen |
Talat Birgönül | ||||
111 |
Yusuf Kemal Erdekli | Haziran 2022 | Prediction of the house price index of Turkey: A comparative study of multiple linear regression and artificial neural network models | İrem Dikmen |
Talat Birgönül | ||||
112 |
Pegah Shokouhi | Ağustos 2022 | Using post-project reviews for risk assessment of construction projects | Talat Birgönül |
İrem Dikmen | ||||
113 |
Bartu Or | Ocak 2023 | A real options approach to valuation of photovoltaic power investments on rooftops of residential areas in Turkey | Talat Birgönül |
İrem Dikmen | ||||
114 |
Muhammed Tunahan Beyhan | Ağustos 2023 | A machine learning approach to seismic risk assessment of reinforced concrete structures | Talat Birgönül |
Rıfat Sönmez | ||||
115 |
Alper Aslantaş | Ağustos 2023 | Bayesian belief network-based contractor profitability risk assessment for PPP hospital projects in Turkey | Talat Birgönül |
İrem Dikmen | ||||
116 |
Mustafa Erdal | Eylül 2023 | Identification of critical risk factors affecting waste generation in the Turkish construction industry | Talat Birgönül |
Hüseyin Erol |
Öğrenci Adı | Tez Bitirme Tarihi | Tez Başlığı | Tez Yöneticisi | |
Yardımcı Tez Yöneticisi | ||||
1 | Aynur Kazaz | Kasım 1997 | Toplu konut inşaatlarında düşük kaliteden kaynaklanan maliyetler (Fırat Üniversitesi) | Talat Birgönül |
Asım Yeğinobalı | ||||
2 | Can Elmar Balas | Ocak 1998 | A reliability-based risk assessment model for coastal projects | Ayşen Ergin |
Talat Birgönül | ||||
3 | İrem Dikmen | Nisan 2001 | Strategic decision making in construction companies: An artificial neural network based decision support system for international market selection | Talat Birgönül |
4 | Gökhan Arslan | Ekim 2002 | İhale yönetimi bilgi sistemleri: İnşaat projelerinde elektronik ihale teklif yöntemi sistemi (Anadolu Üniversitesi) | Mustafa Tuncan |
Talat Birgönül | ||||
5 | Beliz Özorhon | Ekim 2007 | Modeling the performance of international construction joint ventures | İrem Dikmen |
Talat Birgönül | ||||
6 | Cenk Budayan | Temmuz 2008 | Strategic group analysis: Strategic perspective, differentiation and performance in construction | Talat Birgönül |
İrem Dikmen | ||||
7 | Zeynep Işık | Kasım 2009 | A conceptual performance measurement framework for construction industry | Talat Birgönül |
İrem Dikmen | ||||
8 | Emre Caner Akçay | Aralık 2014 | Using Monte Carlo Simulation and Multi-Agent systems to estimate financial feasibility of HEPP projects tendered on a BOT basis: A Case study from Turkey | Talat Birgönül |
İrem Dikmen | ||||
9 | Mustafa Özdemir | Mayıs 2015 | A fuzzy Structural Equation Model to analyze relationships between determinants of safety performance in construction sites: Development of a safety performance index assessment tool | Talat Birgönül |
10 | Babak Rahmani Mirshekarlou | Aralık 2018 | An investigation of material waste management in prefabricated construction industry and developing an integrated waste management tool | İrem Dikmen |
Talat Birgönül | ||||
11 | Gülsüm Çağıl Köseoğlu Balta | Mayıs 2019 | A Bayesian Belief Network based delay risk assessment tool for tunnel projects- BBN Tunnel | Talat Birgönül |
İrem Dikmen | ||||
12 | Murat Ayhan | Aralık 2019 | Development of dispute prediction and resolutiom method selection models for construction disputes | Talat Birgönül |
İrem Dikmen | ||||
13 | H.Hüseyin Erol | Kasım 2020 | Incorporating complexity into risk management: An integrated risk assessment process for mega construction projects | İrem Dikmen |
Talat Birgönül | ||||
14 | Görkem Eken | Aralık 2022 | Using Natural Language Processing for automated construction contract review during risk assessment at the bidding stage | Talat Birgönül |
İrem Dikmen |