THURSDAY, 29 September 2022Session place
Arrivals to Ankara 
FRIDAY, 30 September 2022METU, FoA
8.45REGISTRATIONRoom# 52 (Upper ground floor)  
9.00-10.30Welcome speeches Prof. Dr Neriman Şahin Güçhan, Dean of the Faculty of Architecture, METUProf. Dr Serap Kayasü, Chair of the Department of City and Regional Planning, METUProf. Dr Müge Akkar Ercan, on behalf of the workshop coordinators of the Stakeholder Workshop, METU
10.30-11.00Coffee Break
11.00-11.30Introduction to the Stakeholder Workshop and the case study site /Prof. Dr. Prof. Dr. Müge Akkar Ercan, İrem Duygu Tiryaki, Furkan Erdem Sözeri
11.30-11.45The inevitable?] ideological bias of urban indicator systems. Madrid as a paradigm. Prof. Dr. Roberto Goycoolea Prado, Prof. Dr. Paz Nunez Marti
11.45-12.30Meeting group members: Who is who session
13.30-17.00Site visit and first impressions (Bus will depart in front of the cafeteria where we will have lunch)Ümitköy Sitesi
17.00 -18.30Working time for groupsRoom# 52
SATURDAY, 1 October 2022 
9.00-12.30Stakeholder meeting 1: exploring challenges and opportunities (researchers/designers/experts/residents) Each group will discuss the problems and what can be done for the MCMH site Coffee/tea and cookies available in the Studio
13.30-17.30Working in groups: Co(designing) strategies for improving quality of life  and sustainability (researchers/designers/experts/residents) Coffee/tea and cookies available in the Studio
SUNDAY 2 October 2022    
9.00-12.30Working in groups: Preparing presentations for improving quality of life and sustainability Coffee/tea and cookies available in the Studio
13.30-14.30Preparation for presentations for improving quality of life and sustainability  
14.30-17.00Presentations of groups to stakeholders Residents and cooperative management committee members of Ümitköy SitesiHatice Konut, Mukhtar of Ümit Neighbourhood Müge City and Regional planner, MSc in urban design, Çankaya Municipality Coffee/tea and cookies are available in the Studio
MONDAY 3 October 2022     
Departures from Ankara