My publications
1 | AKKÖK, M., "Investigation of the Effect of Void Fraction on Flow-Boiling Heat Transfer Coefficient in Vertically Upward Flow", M.Sc. Thesis, METU(1), Dec. 1975. |
2 | YEŞİN, O. and AKKÖK, M., "Determination of the Heat Transfer Coefficient in Single-Component Two-Phase Flow", TÜBİTAK(2) VI. Science Congress, Oct. 1977, p.549-559, (in Turkish). |
3 | YEŞİN, O. and AKKÖK, M., "Variation of the Heat Transfer Coefficient with Void Fraction in Single-Component Two-Phase Flow", TÜBİTAK, Heat Technique Research Unit, ISITEK No.24, March 1980, (in Turkish). |
5 | AKKÖK, M. and ETTLES, C., "The Effect of Load on Feed Pressure on Whirl in a Grooved Journal Bearing", ASLE(3) Trans., V.23, No.2, p.175-184, 1980. |
6 | ETTLES, C., AKKÖK, M., CAMERON, A., "Inverse Hydrodynamic Methods Applied to Mr. Beauchamp Tower's Experiments of 1885", Trans. ASME(4), Jour. of Lubrication Technology, V.102, No.2, p.172-181, 1980. DOI: 10.1115/1.3251462 |
7 | AKKÖK, M., "Dynamic Characteristics of Turbine Journal Bearings", Ph.D. Thesis, University of London, Imperial College of Science and Technology, 1980. |
8 | AKKÖK, M. and ETTLES, C., "The Effect of Grooving and Bore Shape on the Stability of Journal Bearings", ASLE Trans., V.23, No.4, p.431-441, 1980. |
9 | AKKÖK, M. et al., "Design of a Trass Rotary Dryer and Hot Gas Generator for Cement Industry", METU-MATİMAREN(5), Project Report, Nov. 1980, (in Turkish). |
10 | AKKÖK, M., et al., "Design of a Pyrite Roasting Rotary Kiln for Paper Industry", METU-MATİMAREN, Project Report, April 1981, (in Turkish). |
11 | AKKÖK, M., "An Experimental Method for the Determination of Journal Bearings Coefficients", Symposium on "Problems in Bearings and Lubrication", AGARD-CP-323, 31 May - 3 June 1982. |
12 | AKKÖK, M. and ETTLES, C., "The Onset of Whirl Instability in Journal Bearings of Various Bore Shapes and Groove Sizes", Trans. ASME, Jour. of Lubrication Technology, V.105, No.3, p.342-352, 1983. DOI: 10.1115/1.3254607 |
13 | AKKÖK, M., et al., "A System Design for a Pulverized Coal Plant", Engineer and Machine (A Publication of the Turkish Chamber of Mechanical Engineers), V.24, No.282, April 1983, (in Turkish). |
14 | AKKÖK, M., et al., "Mechanical Design of Waste Water Treatment Unit of Gölbaşı Social Settlement Area of Turkish Electricity Authority", METU-MATİMAREN, Project Report, May 1984, (in Turkish). |
15 | AKKÖK, M. and ETTLES, C., "Journal Bearing Response to Excitation and Behavior in the Unstable Region", ASLE Trans., V.27, No.4, p.341-351, 1984. DOI: 10.1080/05698198408981579 |
16 | AKKÖK, M., et al., "Reorganization of Materials Handling Equipment in Machine and Chemical Industries Corp. Ankara Plant", METU-MATİMAREN, Project Report, Dec. 1983, (in Turkish). |
17 | AKKÖK, M., et al., "1st National Machine Design and Production Conference", Member of the Organizing Committee and the Editorial Board of the Conference Proceedings, Sept. 1984, (in Turkish). |
18 | AKKÖK, M., HARDIE, C.E., GERO, L.R. and ETTLES, C., "A Comparison of Three Numerical Methods Used to Solve the High Bearing Number Reynolds Equation", ASLE Special Publication, "Tribology and Mechanics of Magnetic Storage Systems", SP-21, 1986. |
19 | AKKÖK, M., "Determination of Kinetic Coefficient of Friction under Severe Loading Conditions", Jour. of Mechanical Design and Production, V.1, No.1, p.25-30, 1986, (in Turkish). |
20 | AKKÖK, M., et al., "2nd National Machine Design and Production Conference", Member of the Organizing Committee and the Editorial Board of the Conference Proceedings, Sept. 1986, (in Turkish). |
21 | AKKÖK, M., "Viscosity Classification Systems", Jour. of Mechanical Design and Production, V.1, No.2, p.97-99, 1987, (in Turkish). |
22 | AKKÖK, M., "Stability Analysis of Journal Bearings", Jour. of Mechanical Design and Production, V.1, No.4, p.187-191, 1987, (in Turkish). |
23 | AKKÖK, M., ETTLES, C. and CALABRESE, S.J., "Parameters Affecting the Kinetic Friction of Ice", Trans. ASME, Jour. of Tribology, V.109, No.3, p.552-561, 1987. DOI: 10.1115/1.3261503 |
24 | AKKÖK, M., et al., "The Feasibility Study and Preliminary Design of the MKEK Computer Network System", METU-MATİMAREN, Project Report, July 1987, (in Turkish). |
25 | AKKÖK, M., et al., "3rd National Machine Design and Production Conference", Member of the Organizing Committee and the Editorial Board of the Conference Proceedings, Sept. 1988, (in Turkish). |
26 | KARAKURT, C., AKKÖK, M., ÇALIŞKAN, M., "Bearing Diagnostic Methods", 3rd National Symposium on Theory of Machines, Oct. 12-14, 1988, p.338-355, (in Turkish). |
27 | DEĞİRMENCİ, U., AKKÖK, M., ÇALIŞKAN, M., "The Effect of Oil Filled Bolster on Textile Spindle Dynamics", 3rd Inter. Conference on Rotordynamics, Sept. 10-12, 1990, Lyon, France, p.383-387. |
28 | KARAKURT, C., AKKÖK, M., ÇALIŞKAN, M., "Rolling Element Bearing Diagnostics via Digital Signal Processing", 4th National Machine Design and Production Conference, Sept. 19-21, 1990, p.517-526, (in Turkish). |
29 | ESKİCİOĞLU, H., AKKÖK, M. YILDIZ, Ö. H., "Computer Aided Selection of Machine Tool Spindle Bearing Arrangements", Analysis, Synthesis, and Applications, ASME Pet. Div. Publ. PD, v. 64, n. 8-1, p. 181-187, 1994, Proceedings of the 2nd Biennial European Joint Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis , Part 8-A, London, England, July 4-7, 1994. |
30 | "Reorganization of Fire and Rescue Services of the Municipality of Greater Ankara in the Years 2000", MATİMAREN, METU, Project report, Sponsored by the Municipality of Greater Ankara, 1990. |
31 | AKKÖK, M, ESKİCİOĞLU, H., YILDIRIM, O., "Inspection and Testing of Conveyor Band Rollers", MATİMAREN, METU, Project report, Sponsored by the Turkish Electricity Authority, Ankara, 1993. |
32 | ÇOLAKOĞLU, A., AKKÖK, M., YILDIRIM, O., ”Elastic Stress Wave Propagation Through Ring Chains”, 7th National Machine Design and Production Conference, Sept. 11-13, 1996, p.295-304 |
33 | AKKÖK, M., KILIÇ, E., “Preliminary Design of a Machine Tool for Machining Gear Box Housing”, MATİMAREN, METU, Project report, Sponsored by the Turkish Tractor Factory, Ankara, 1996. |
34 | ŞENALP, A.Z., GÖKLER, M.İ., AKKÖK, M., “An Overview on the Shape Control in Strip Rolling”, 7th National Machine Design and Production Conference, Sept. 11-13, 1996, p.419-431. |
35 | ŞENALP, A.Z., GÖKLER, M.İ., AKKÖK, M., “Computerized Analysis of Parameters Affecting Shape and Thickness in Cold Rolling of Strip for Soft Materials”, JSME Inter. Jour., Series C, V.40, No:1, 1997, p.170-179. DOI: 10.1299/jsmec1993.40.170 |
36 | AKKÖK, M., ARIKAN, S., BALKAN, T., DARENDELİLER, H., GÖKLER, M.İ., KAFTANOĞLU, B., (Editors),“Inter. Conf. on Design and Production of Dies and Molds”, ISBN 975-429-106-3, İstanbul, June 19-24, 1997. |
37 | KILKIŞ, B., AKKÖK, M., YILDIRIM, O., “Potential Uses of Surface Effect Vehicles in Armoured Ground Forces of the Next Millennium”, Tanklara Gelecekteki Yönelik Yeni Tehditler ve 2000’li Yılların Modern Tanklar Sempozyumu, Zh. Brl. Ok. ve Eğt. Tümen Komutanlığı, 3-4 Haziran 1999. |
38 | AKKÖK, M., “The Effect of Cavitation Condition on Dynamically Loaded Journal Bearings”, Inter. Conference on Lubrication Techniques, Oct. 27-28, 1999, İstanbul. |
39 | ÇETİNER, B., ERALP, C., AKKÖK, M., “Computer Aided Simulation and Performance Analysis of Screw Compressors”, 1st National Hydraulic and Pneumatic Conference and Exhibition, Dec. 3-5, 1999, İzmir, (in Turkish). |
40 | ÜNLÜSOY, S.Y., AKKÖK, M., “Motorlu Taşıtlarda Kavrama Dinamiğinin İncelenmesi”, Makina Tasarım ve İmalat Dergisi, C.4, Sayı:1, Mayıs 2001, p.47-55. |
41 | Akkök, M., "Analysis of Automotive Clutch Engagement", Journal of Mechanical Design and Production, V.4, No.1, pp. 47-55, 2001. |
42 | Akkök, M., “Analysis of Leakage in Lip Type Seals”, 2nd National Hydraulic and Pneumatic Conference, Nov. 8-11, 2001, İzmir, (in Turkish). |
43 | Akkök, M. “Engineering Tribology” Book Review, Journal of Mechanical Design and Production, V. 4, No. 2, Nov. 2001, pp.117-118, (in Turkish). |
44 | AKKÖK, M., “Dudaklı Sızdırmazlık Elemanlarında Sızdırmazlık Analizi” 2. Ulusal Hidrolik Pnömatik Kongre ve Sergisi, 8-11 Kasım 2001, İzmir. |
45 | AKKÖK, M. “Engineering Tribology” Kitap değerlendirme, Makina Tasarım ve İmalat Dregisi, C.4, Sayı:2, Kasım 2001, p.117-118. |
46 | ERDEN, A., AKKÖK, M. TANER, İ.E. “Development of a Knowledge Based System and a Comparative Study on the Selection of Bearings”, STLE, Lubrication Eng. V.57, No.6, June 2001, p.7-15. |
47 | AKKÖK, M., ARIKAN, M.A.S., BALKAN, T., KAFTANOĞLU, B., (Editors), 2nd Inter. Conference and Exhibition on Design and Production of Dies and Molds, June 21-23, 2001, Kuşadası, İzmir. ISBN 975-429-167-5. |
48 | Darendeliler, H., AKKÖK, M., Yücesoy, C.A. ”Effect of Variable Friction on Sheet Metal Drawing”, Tribology International, V.35, No:2, Feb. 2002, p.97-104. DOI: 10.1016/S0301-679X(01)00099-8 |
49 | AKKÖK, M., “Lubrication and Effect on Friction”, Performans, V.1, No:1, May-June 2002, 16-18, (in Turkish). |
50 | Kutay ÖZER, Mustafa GÖKLER, Metin AKKÖK, “Tüfeklerde Geri Tepme Sisteminin Tsarımı ve Uygulanması”, K.K. Eğitim ve Doktrin Komutanlığı, Hafif Piyade Silahları Sempozyumu, 23-24 Aralık 2002. |
51 | AKKÖK, M., ARIKAN, M.A.S., BALKAN, T., “Determination of the Effect of Shaft Surface Roughness on Oil Leakage in Radial Lip Seals”, The 11th International Conference on Machine Design and Production Conference, 783-791, 13-15 Oct. 2004, Antalya, Turkey |
52 | AKKÖK, M., ERDEN, A., KILIÇ, E. KONUKSEVEN,İ., TÖNÜK, S. (Editors) , The 11th International Conference on Machine Design and Production, 783-791, 13-15 Oct. 2004, Antalya, Turkey |
53 | AKKÖK, M., KAFTANOĞLU, B. ARIKAN, M.A.S., BALKAN, T., TAMAKI, J., KURIYAGAWA, T. (Editors) 3rd International Conference and Exhibition on Design and Production of DIES and MOLDS, June 17-19, 2004, Bursa, Turkey. 7th Joint Conference International Symposium on Advances in Abrasive Technology |
54 | Ö. N. Cora, M. AKKÖK, and H. Darendeliler, (2006), “Modification of friction coefficient in simulation of metal forming operations via user-subroutines”, (in Turkish), Proceedings of MSC Software Users Conference 2006, June 1-2, 2006, İstanbul, TURKEY |
55 | Aylin KONEZ, Abdülkadir ERDEN, Metin AKKÖK, “Preliminary Design Analysis of Like-Grasshopper Jumping Mechanism”, The 12th International Conference on Machine Design and Production, 05 - 08 September 2006, Kuşadası, Turkey, p.829-844. |
56 | AKKÖK, M., E. KILIÇ, A. ERDEN. S. DAĞ, M. ERDAL, İ. KONUKSEVEN (Editors), Conference Proceedings, The 12th International Conference on Machine Design and Production, 783-791 pages, 5-8 Sept. 2006, Kuşadası, Turkey |
57 | Taburdağıtan, M., AKKÖK, M., “Determination of Surface Temperature Rise with Thermo-Elastic Analysis of Spur Gears”, WEAR 261 (2006), p. 656–665. DOI: 10.1016/j.wear.2006.01.019 |
58 | AKKÖK, M., BUDAK, E., FIRAT, M., KAFTANOĞLU, B., (Editors) Conference Proceedings, 4th International Conference and Exhibition on Design and Production of Machines and DIES/MOLDS, 440 pages, June 21-23, 2007, İzmir, Turkey. |
59 | AKKÖK, M., E. KILIÇ, A. ERDEN. S. DAĞ, M. ERDAL, İ. KONUKSEVEN (Editors) , Conference Proceedings, The 13th International Conference on Machine Design and Production, 1358 pages, 3-5 Sept. 2008, İstanbul, Turkey |
60 | Aylin KONEZ, Abdülkadir ERDEN, Metin AKKÖK, “Development of a New Artificial Muscle for a Grasshopper-Like Jumping Mechanism”, The 13th International Conference on Machine Design and Production, 03 - 05 September 2008, İstanbul, Turkey, p.933-940. |
61 | Cora, Ö.N., AKKÖK, M., Darendeliler, H., “Modelling of Variable Friction in Cold Forging”, Proc. IMechE, Part J: J. Engineering Tribology, 2008, 222 (J7), p. 899-908, [DOI:10.1243/13506501JET419] |
62 | A. K. Eroğlu, A. Erden, and M. AKKÖK, ”Design and Analysis of Grasshopper-Like Jumping Leg Mechanism in Biomimetic Approach”, The 11th Mechatronics Forum Biennial International Conference, Mechatronics 2008, June 23-25, University of Limerick, Ireland |
63 | A. K. Eroğlu, A. Erden, and M. AKKÖK, “Development of a New Artificial Muscle for a Grasshopper-Like Jumping Mechanism”, 13th International Conference on Machine Design and Production, 3-5 Sept. 2008, 933-941, İstanbul, Turkey. |
64 | Bozkaya K., AKKÖK, M., Esin A., “Reliability Improvement of a Solid Rocket Motor in Early Design Phases”, Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, (DOI: 10.2514/1.39609), Vol. 46, No. 4, July–August 2009. DOI: 10.2514/1.39609 |
65 | AKKÖK, M., BUDAK, E., FIRAT, M., KAFTANOĞLU, B., (Editors) Conference Proceedings, 5th International Conference and Exhibition on Design and Production of Machines and DIES/MOLDS,ISBN: 978-605-60732-0-5, 334 pages, June 18-21, 2009, Kuşadası, Aydın, Turkey. |
66 | AKKÖK, M., E. KILIÇ, M. ERDAL, A. ERDEN. İ. KONUKSEVEN, O. YILDIRIM (Editors), Conference Proceedings, The 14th International Conference on Machine Design and Production, 954 pages, June 29-July2, 2010, N. Cyprus. |
67 | Abachi S., AKKÖK, M., Gökler M.İ., “Wear analysis of hot forging dies”, Tribology International 43, (2010), No.1-2, 467–473. DOI: 10.1016/j.triboint.2009.07.011 |
68 | AKKÖK, M., BUDAK, E., FIRAT, M., KAFTANOĞLU, B., (Editors) Conference Proceedings, 6th International Conference and Exhibition on Design and Production of Machines and DIES/MOLDS, 294 pages, June 23-26, 2011, Ankara, Turkey. |
69 | Tekin, K.S, AKKÖK, M., “Sınır Yağlama Koşullarında Çalışan Yataklarda için Aşınma Test Düzeneği tasarımı, Yapımı ve İş Makinalarında Yataklarında Aşınma Analizi”, Mühendis ve Makina, 2011, Cilt: 52, Sayı: 616, Sayfa: 70-79. |
70 | AKKÖK, M., C. ÇOĞUN, A. ERDEN. S. Engin KILIÇ, İ. KONUKSEVEN, (Editors), Conference Proceedings, 15th International Conference on Machine Design and Production, 1354 pages, June 19-22, 2012, Denizli, TURKEY. |
71 | AKKÖK, M., “Determination of the Load Share and Coefficient of Friction in Mixed Lubrication Regime”, 15th International Conference on Machine Design and Production, ISBN: 978-975-429-305-0, June 19-22, 2012, 1025-1035, Denizli, TURKEY |
72 | AKKÖK, M., BUDAK, E., FIRAT, M., KAFTANOĞLU, B., (Editors) Conference Proceedings, 7th International Conference and Exhibition on Design and Production of Machines and DIES/MOLDS, ISBN: 978-975-6707-38-8, 294 pages, June 20-23, 2013, Antalya, Turkey. |
73 | Metin Akkök, Bülent Acar, Emre Açmaz, “Experimental analysis and wear modeling for mechanical components of a typical rail launcher”, WEAR, 2013, V.306, Issues 1–2, p.1–9. DOI: 10.1016/j.wear.2013.06.008 |
74 | Tuna Balkan, Erhan İlhan Konukseven, Metin Akkök, “Dizel Partikül Filtre Rejenerasyonu ve Motor Yağının Seyrelmesi DİZEL PARTİKÜL FİLTRE REJENERASYONU VE MOTOR YAĞININ SEYRELMESİ”, OTEKON’14, 7. Otomotiv Teknolojileri Kongresi , 26 – 27 Mayıs 2014, BURSA. |
75 | Emre AÇMAZ, Bülent ACAR, Metin AKKÖK, “Füze Lançer Raylarında Oluşan Mekanik Aşınmanın Deneysel Analizi ve Modellenmesi”, SAVTEK 2014, 25-26-27 Haziran 2014, Ankara. |
76 | AKKÖK, M., A. ERDEN, E. KILIÇ, İ. KONUKSEVEN, (Editors), Conference Proceedings, The 16th International Conference on Machine Design and Production, 1426 pages (ISBN 978-975-429-332-6), June 30-July 3, 2014, İzmir, Turkey. |
77 | Koray Serdar Tekin, Metin Akkök, “Sınır Yağlama Koşullarında Çalışan Kaymalı Yataklar İçin Test Düzeneği Tasarımı ve Üretimi”, Uluslararası Katılımlı 17. Makine Teorisi Sempozyumu, UMTS 2015, p.145-148 (ISBN: 978-605-84220-0-1), 14-17 Haziran 2015, İzmir, Turkey. |
78 | AKKÖK, M., BUDAK, E., FIRAT, M., KAFTANOĞLU, B., (Editors) Conference Proceedings, 8th International Conference and Exhibition on Design and Production of Machines and DIES/MOLDS, 267 pages (ISBN 978-975-6707-52-4), June 18-21, 2015, Kuşadası, Aydın, Turkey. |
79 | BASPINAR Murat, AKKÖK, Metin, “Modeling and Simulation of Friction in Deep Drawing”, Trans. ASME, Journal of Tribology, (DOI: 10.1115/1.4031671), April 2016, Vol. 138 / 021104-1-7. |
80 | ULUER, M. Ural, ÜNVER, H. Özgür, AKKÖK Metin, KILIÇ, S. Engin, “An Investigation into Power and Energy Requirements for the Auxılıary Componentes of a CNC Lathe”, Conference Proceedings, The 17th International Conference on Machine Design and Production, (ISBN 978-975-429-357-9), July 12-July 15, 2016, Bursa, Turkey. |
81 | FİDAN Tahir, KILIÇ, S. Engin, AKKÖK Metin, ”An AMF Based Multi-Color/Multi-Material Additive Manufacturing System” Conference Proceedings, The 17th International Conference on Machine Design and Production, (ISBN 978-975-429-357-9), July 12-July 15, 2016, Bursa, Turkey. |
82 | DİNDAR, Ahmet, AKKÖK, Metin, ÇALIŞKAN, Mehmet, “Experimental Determination and Analytical Model of Friction Torque od a Double Row Roller Slewing Bearing”, Trans. ASME, Journal of Tribology, March 2017, Vol. 139 / 021503-1-13. |