CVPR 2024 Publication!

Our paper entitled “Enhancing Visual Question Answering through Question-Driven Image Captions as Prompts” has been accepted for publication in the CVPR2024 Prompting in Vision (PV) Workshop. Anybody interested in the title should definitely take a look!


Visual question answering (VQA) is known as an AI-complete task as it requires understanding, reasoning, and inferring about the vision and the language content. Over the past few years, numerous neural architectures have been suggested for the VQA problem. However, achieving success in zero-shot VQA remains a challenge due to its requirement for advanced generalization and reasoning skills. This study explores the impact of incorporating image captioning as an intermediary process within the VQA pipeline. Specifically, we explore the efficacy of utilizing image captions instead of images and leveraging large language models (LLMs) to establish a zero-shot setting. Since image captioning is the most crucial step in this process, we compare the impact of state-of-the-art image captioning models on VQA performance across various question types in terms of structure and semantics. We propose a straightforward and efficient question-driven image captioning approach within this pipeline to transfer contextual information into the question-answering (QA) model. This method involves extracting keywords from the question, generating a caption for each image-question pair using the keywords, and incorporating the question-driven caption into the LLM prompt. We evaluate the efficacy of using general-purpose and question-driven image captions in the VQA pipeline. Our study highlights the potential of employing image captions and harnessing the capabilities of LLMs to achieve competitive performance on GQA under the zero-shot setting. Our code is available here.

The official link can be found here: https://openaccess.thecvf…
and the arXiv preprint is here:

This year, I will be personally attending the conference. So see you in Seattle!