about me

I am currently an associate professor with the Graduate School of Informatics, METU. I am professionally interested in computer vision, deep learning, pattern recognition, image processing, machine learning, object tracking, and 3D modelling. I have several journals, conference papers, and international patents on these subjects. If you are interested, please find my resume here or check my Google Scholar, Google Patents, ResearchGate, OpenReview, DBLP or Linkedin pages for more information.

I am one of the principal investigators of the Applied Intelligence Research Laboratory, AIRLab, based at METU Informatics Institute.

After finishing my Ph.D. at METU EEE and working as a visiting researcher at the University of York, I started working as a Computer Vision Scientist at ASELSAN. I was a part of the Image Processing Algorithm Design Team, where we sought real-time and robust solutions to real-world problems such as object detection/tracking on IR images, building intelligent decision systems, etc. I had my post-doc in 2016 via a revisit to the University of York, Computer Science Department. I had been with the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering of Çankaya University before I started my current position at METU.