Category Archives: Announcement

METU SIAM Student Chapter Seminar Series-9

Prof. Dr. Semih Koray, ‘Kendiliğindenlik ve Tasarım Ekseninde Oyunlar Kuramı’

Time: April 25, 2017 by 16:00
Place: Institute of Applied Mathematics, S-212

METU-SIAM Student Chapter Seminar Series-8

Prof. Dr. Tahir Hanalioğlu (Khaniyev) , ‘Kolmogrov ve Olasılık Teorisine Katkıları’

Time: March 28, 2017 by 15:40

Place: Institute of Applied Mathematics, S-212

METU SIAM Student Chapter Seminar Series-7

Prof. Dr. Aydın Aytuna, ’20. Yüzyılın Başlarında ‘Fonksiyonel Analiz’

Time: February 28, 2017 by 15:40

Place: Institute of Applied Mathematics, S-212

METU-SIAM Student Chapter Seminar Series-6

Prof. Dr. Metin Türkay (Koc University, Industrial Engineering) will present a seminer titled ‘Optimization for Big-Data Analytics: Multi-Group Data Classification with Mathematical Programming’

Time: 04 January, 2017, 13:40-14:30
Place: Institute of Applied Mathematics, S209

METU-SIAM Student Chapter Seminar Series-5

Prof. Dr. Turgut Önder will talk about the contribution of Henri Poincaré to today’s science and mathematical philosophy.


METU-SIAM Student Chapter Seminar Series-3

Discover the Universe and Kepler’s Laws  with SIAM!

Prof. Dr. Azize Hayfavi will explain us Kepler’s Laws of planetary motion and their mathematical proofs.
