/******* Do not edit this file ******* Simple Custom CSS and JS - by Silkypress.com Saved: Aug 22 2022 | 08:47:40 */ //note the double space after , var authorNames = ["Tuncer, Barkın", "Kumru, Murat", "Özkan, Emre", "Kara, S. Fatih", "Köksal, Hilal"]; authorNames.push("Balcı, Ali Emre"); authorNames.push("Sahin, Kurtuluş Kerem"); //double space önemli!!!!!! yoksa BULAMIYOR!!!! var authorNamesRepl = ["Tuncer, Barkın", "Kumru, Murat", "Özkan, Emre"]; authorNamesRepl.push("Kara, S. Fatih"); authorNamesRepl.push("Köksal, Hilal"); authorNamesRepl.push("Balcı, Ali Emre"); authorNamesRepl.push("Sahin, Kurtuluş Kerem"); jQuery( document ).ready(function() { var pubs = jQuery(".tp_pub_author"); //console.log(pubs) //console.log(authorNames.length) for(var i=0; i