var ua = jQuery.browser; /******************************* * Equal Height Columns Function ******************************/ function bfa_equal_columns() { jQuery('.ehc').each( function() { var row = jQuery(this); if ( ua.msie && parseInt( ua.version, 10 ) < 8 ) { var height = row.outerHeight(); // outerheight for IE < 8 } else { // var height = row.height(); var height = row.outerHeight(); } row.find('> div').each( function() { jQuery(this).height( height ); }); }); } function bfa_video_resize() { jQuery('.row > div, .row5 > div, .lw').each( function() { var col = jQuery(this), p = col.find('.post').first(), bc = p.find('.post-bodycopy'), maxWidth = col.width() - ( p.outerWidth() - p.width() ) - ( bc.outerWidth() - bc.width() ); col.find('embed, iframe').each( function() { var video = jQuery(this), videoWidth = video.attr('width'); if( videoWidth > maxWidth ) { videoHeight = video.attr('height'), videoMaxHeight = ( maxWidth / videoWidth * videoHeight ); video.attr({ width: maxWidth, height: videoMaxHeight }); } }); }); } function bfa_img_grayscale() { jQuery('.post-thumb img').each(function(){ var el = jQuery(this); el.css({'position':'absolute'}) .wrap("
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